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8 items found in Wisdom For Health
American Figs Nourishing Soup 无花果滋润汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $15.80
Healing Properties: Promotes clear complexion, nourishes lungs, relieves constipation, nourishes “Yin”. Popular among young children and families. 2-6 servings Contents: American dried figs Cooking Instructions Add herbs into 2 litres of water. Bring to boil and simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours. Se...
Four Herbs Soup 四神汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $9.50
Healing Properties: Strengthens spleen and stomach 功能:健脾益胃,养心安神 Commonly known as Si Shen Tang. 2-6 servings Contents: 4 herbs - Chinese Yam 淮山, Lotus Seeds 湘莲子, Gordon Euryale Seeds 芡实, and Poria 茯苓 2 packets of herbs in one pack. Cooking Instructions ( for 1 packet of herbs) Add herbs...
Lingzhi Herbal Soup 灵芝养荣安神汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $10.50
Healing Properties: Calms the mind, reduces fatigue, promotes clear complexion, protects the liver and spleen. 功能:养心安神,减轻疲劳,健脾保肝 Lingzhi mushroom is also known as Reishi mushroom or Ganoderma Lucidum. 2-6 servings Cooking Instructions Add herbs into 2 litres of water. Bring to boil and simme...
Six Herbs Flavour Soup 六味清补凉
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $7.20
Healing Properties: Alleviate “heatiness”, strengthens digestive system, improves appetite, nourishes lungs. 功能:清热降火 Served hot or cold, savoury or sweet, depending on preference. 2 to 6 servings As a sweet dessert: Recommend extra ingredients such as wolfberries and red dates As a savou...
12 Herb Brain Tonic Soup 十二味天麻白芷补脑汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $17.50
Nicknamed "Clever Soup" for its benefits in improving alertness and concentration. Even children love its delicious and savoury taste. Besides boosting brain function, soup also helps nourish lungs and digestive system, boosting energy levels with important nutrients from premium herbs such as ...
American Ginseng Soup 花旗参补气汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $15.80
A nourishing and tasty soup to replenish energy ( healthy Qi), relieves stress and build immunity. American Ginseng is suitable for equatorial and sub-tropical climates such as South-east Asia because it is not "heaty"Healing Properties: Replenish energy, relieves fatigue and build immunity. No...
Premium Ginseng Chicken Soup 特级人参炖鸡汤 (Te Ji Ren Shen Dun Ji Tang)
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $21.80
A nourishing and delicious soup that is nourishing and non-heaty, and suitable for equatorial climate such as Singapore. Premium quality Ginseng is used in this soup. Especially good for the seniors to maintain vitality, and for individuals with a weak immune system, lacking in Qi and energy. ...
Cordyceps Flower Superior Lung Nourishment Soup 虫草花润肺汤
Herbal Tonic Soups
- $16.50
A fragrant and delicious soup that is light in taste, yet delicious. Children loves its appetising taste. Beneficial for those prone to "heatiness", frequent coughs and phlegm buildup. Healing Properties: Improves general immunity, nourish the lungs and help relieves coughs and phlegm buildup....